What is SELPA?
In 1977, all school districts and county school offices in California were required to form geographical regions of sufficient size and scope to provide for all special education service needs of students residing within the region's boundaries. Each region became known as a Special Education Local Plan Area, or SELPA. Learn more by clicking this link to an informational video.
Today, there are 136 SELPAs in California. SELPA governance structures vary in form, including models for Multi-District SELPAs, Multi-District/County Office SELPAs, Single District SELPAs, Multi-District/Multi-County SELPAs, County SELPAs with Joint Powers Agreements, and Charter only SELPAs. Each SELPA's comprehensive Local Plan describes how it provides special education services pursuant to the Education Code.
For more information, visit selpa.info
What is the difference between the SELPA and Special Education Office?