Community Advisory Committee (CAC) » What is CAC?

What is CAC?

Community Advisory Committee

About the CAC
The Community Advisory Committee, (CAC), is a group established by the state to give parents a voice in Special Education implementation. This group of parents and professionals gathers promote high quality special education services within schools and to provide support for parents as they address all issues related to their students with disabilities.  The general meetings are attended by parent and representatives from and outside agencies.

Whether you are a parent of a special needs child, teach someone with special needs, or if you are a community member who desires to make a difference, join us!  Come share your views on Special Education, receive training in topics related to Special Education and network with other families and District personnel. 

Our Mission
The Community Advisory Committee is a collaborative partnership between parents of children with disabilities and ABCUSD staff to promote positive experiences that result in educational and social advancement for students.  We are committed to the acceptance of all students with diverse needs through strong advocacy, education, and community involvement.

Our Vision

  • The CAC will have an influential role in the that impact Special Education students.
  • A positive ABCUSD school culture where General Education staff work collaboratively with Special Education staff to meet the diverse needs of all students.
  • All ABCUSD Special Education students will be serviced in the best interest of the child.
  • CAC parent members will be actively involved in ABCUSD schools.
  • There will be active and meaningful participation by families and community in the CAC general meetings.
  • Having an interactive CAC website for consistent delivery of information.
  • A resource network for parents, ABCUSD staff, and community.

Our Purpose

  • Advise and assist in the development, revision and review of the Local Plan for Special Education.
  • Advocate for  issues related to special education.
  • Provide parent and community education programs.
  • Support school and community activities on behalf of students with exceptional needs.
  • Support activities on behalf of individuals with exceptional needs.